Title: Wanting To Get Caught - Released in 2016.07.13

Artists: Sydney Cole (external link) , Kimmy Granger (external link)  & Christian Clay (external link)

Description: Stunning Kimmy has been babysitting to earn a little money for a while now. Her boss is so hot, and she’d love to get her hands on him. He is always flirting with her, toying with her emotions. On one of her babysitting days, she invites her best friend Sydney over for some much needed pool time. After a few glasses of wine, things get naughty between the two girls and one thing leads to another. Her boss get back from work to see Kimmy and Sydney making out in the pool and it really turns him on. She is so embarrassed, but she thinks she has the perfect way to get out of this situation.

Director: Greg Lansky